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Which Statement Is True About Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Investment in India?

|Updated July 19, 2022 07:31

The 21st century has seen a level of technical innovation not seen in previous centuries, particularly in blockchain and cryptocurrency. Recent conversations on artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain cryptocurrency, and everything else that depends on these technologies have shown how recent technical advancements are being felt.


This popularity is from the currencies sprouting from blockchain, the underlying technology offering transparency and immutability. So which statement is true about blockchain? What is cryptocurrency investment in India like? In what ways do the existing regulations govern cryptocurrencies?


When there was any kind of discussion about cryptocurrencies, whether in public or private venues, these were some of the most common questions that investors asked. Sit back, as this article will further answer your questions about investing in blockchain and cryptocurrency in India.

Cryptocurrency Investment In India

According to the information readily accessible in the public domain and from CFD brokers, the amount of money invested by Indians in cryptocurrencies alone is more than ten billion US dollars. Aside from this, it has come to attention that using the real blockchain cryptocurrency has found the greatest adoption in the banking and financial industries.


Additionally, the Indian government is actively implementing technology for land title registration, car lifecycle management, agricultural insurance, and electronic health record management. This tells a lot about the awareness, desire, and speed at which blockchain cryptocurrency is aimed at being imbibed into the social and economic fabric of the nation.


From the private sector's perspective, several businesses are investigating blockchain technology to enhance their efficiency. Furthermore, these businesses are attempting to internally revisit their procedures and workflows to increase the value of their service delivery systems. There is a 56% adoption rate of blockchain cryptocurrency amongst Indian companies, meaning that it is becoming an integral element of their operations.


The National Informatics Centre has developed a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Blockchain Technology, which functions as a centralised but interoperable ecosystem for blockchain and cryptocurrency technology throughout the country. This allows the government to put initiatives through their paces before releasing them to the general public.


In the strategy paper on blockchain, experts examined the principles of distributed technology, its potential framework, the obstacles, and lessons from proofs of concept as it uses cases and ideas for India's national blockchain strategy. This boost, which was required from a regulatory aspect, has been deserved in a limited form.


According to the prominent policy research in the nation, the various governments must pay particular attention to localised networks wherein peer-to-peer transactions might develop extra socio-economic value. This is a requirement of separate governments.


The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) requested that depositories build, host, and operate a system that uses distributed ledger technology (DLT), often known as blockchain technology, to record and monitor the formation of assets and to oversee the stipulations of non-convertible securities.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Space in India

Even after so many developments in the investment ratio of blockchain, cryptocurrency noobs are still sceptical about which statement is true about blockchain technology and its future challenges.


The government of India must create a framework to enhance its knowledge of the space and the unanticipated issues it may provide as India investigates using and implementing solutions based on blockchain, tokens, and digital assets. This is because India is currently in the process of exploring these areas.

Implementation of Technologies Based on Blockchain

Blockchain technology is especially beneficial for linking unrelated parties throughout a flow of transactions, providing stakeholders with transparency, and facilitating complicated, non-static connections.


Blockchain technology is also valuable in other contexts. We can simply say blockchain technologies find applications anywhere there is a need for a middleman to play a role. These kinds of solutions are well-liked in various markets, including Manufacturing, Advertising, Insurance, Intellectual Property, and Rewards, amongst others.


The government must assess and comprehend the effects that decentralised and automated validation (based on smart contracts, also known as codified logic), as well as the application of transaction and transfer taxes to new jurisdictions or various types of transactions, will have on the sourcing of revenue and associated recognition.

Transactions Using Cryptocurrency

First, the government has to develop suitable tools for managing wallets and keeping track of transactions. This includes tax management, valuation, documentation, and the consequences of tax of airdrops, charitable donations, and “hard forks”, among other things. The budget did not address the tax procedures related to virtual digital assets like virtual currency transactions.


At a later point, when there is an appropriate precedent set by other nations, more advanced applications of cryptocurrencies like yield farming and staking may be investigated. Even the Internal Revenue Service has been unable to build a legal framework appropriate for regulating such sophisticated cryptocurrency use cases.


The budget ignores the handling of the underlying cryptocurrency in light of the rise of tokenisation, which may take various forms depending on design, including utility tokens, equity tokens, asset-backed tokens, non-fungible tokens, stablecoins, etc. For operational, legal, or tax purposes, the government must consider whether or not the tokens may have different designs.


Notwithstanding, the government has to acquire knowledge to manage tokens’ interaction with enterprises, fiat gateways, investors, stakeholders, users, and other entities, as well as control intellectual property, ensure compliance and provide a location for commercial activity.

Considerations in Favour of Decentralised Autonomous Organisations

A decentralised autonomous organisation, also known as a DAO, is an organisation whose operations are governed by rules that are stored in the form of a computer program. This type of organisation is open to public scrutiny, is run by its shareholders, and is immune to interference from higher levels of government.


The decentralised autonomous organisation is the most complicated kind of smart contract. A computer program known as a smart contract can live on its own on the internet, but at the same time, it requires the participation of other people to complete a job that it cannot do on its own.


A blockchain stores the record of financial transactions and software rules for a decentralised autonomous organisation. You may have many combinations of different parties transferring assets and coming to agreements because DAO works on a blockchain and runs on a distributed network. This allows for more decentralised and secure transactions in India.


It implies that it makes no difference to a decentralised autonomous organisation, whether you are a human being or a robot, because they are concerned about you. It is possible to have gadgets communicate with one another, machines communicate with humans, or people communicate with each other.


The specific treatment given to DAO structures has been left out of the budget, along with restrictions on Defi lending and borrowing. This is also seen in claimable deductions for insurance across Defi strategy investors, unethical market behaviour by players, sovereign defence against risks in the equity and smart contract markets, etc.

Cryptocurrency Trading With CFD

CFD trading is a common feature of high-quality brokers. Speculators may follow the rise and fall of any cryptocurrency investment in India with this tool at their disposal. There is no need to buy cryptocurrency physically. Additionally, they don't have to sell the underlying asset. CFD trading can help you make a fortune by predicting an asset's future value.


When you invest in blockchain cryptocurrency, you'll quickly make a lot of money. When trading cryptocurrencies using CFDs, you are not required to seek ownership of the underlying digital tokens. If a trader believes that the value of a cryptocurrency will fall rather than rising, they might sell short.



Margin is required to get the full benefit of the advertisement. Doing so may take back command of the underlying market and make informed decisions. Calculating profit and loss is easier when you know the full magnitude of the investment.



Spreads must be paid by anybody who trades CFDs. In other words, it's the difference in selling and purchasing prices. To acquire the contract, you must pay the purchase price. Similar to entry, departure is based on the selling price. Taking advantage of a short movement with a low spread might result in big profits.


Liquidity is the most important factor for every trader or investment in a financial market. It aids in selling assets at any price, whether for profit or loss. A person should not worry about keeping digital currency assets for a lengthy period. It can be sold and redeemed at any time. There are no longer worries about investors not getting a fair price for their money.


In addition to higher volatility, rapid transactions, and greater precision in trading, it is supported by a wealth of technical analysis.


As a result of these characteristics, investors are more likely to continue investing in the crypto CFD market and record profits. CFDs drive better liquidity idea. As a result, investors prefer to use derivatives to boost their profits in the market.




Future Of Blockchain Cryptocurrency

According to an analysis, the value of the digital asset economy will rise from $5 billion to $262 billion over the course of 11 years. As a result, India's GDP would increase by over $1 trillion. That is how much of an impact blockchain technology has. This expansion will be driven by advancements in Web 3.0 and blockchain technology.


Since software developers, market experts, and lawyers would be needed to adopt blockchain technology, India is well-positioned to benefit from its opportunities.


Blockchain cryptocurrency is anticipated to profoundly change how many services relate to different application fields. Its ideas can be used in a variety of industries, including healthcare, government, cyber security, transportation, media, and hospitality. They can also be used in the judicial system and the energy industry.


The adoption of blockchain technology holds promise for the government's ability to uphold transparency and accountability while enabling frictionless transactions for citizens.


Although some people believe that using this technology will cause legacy systems to become obsolete, the reality is that what it aims to accomplish is function as the spark to redesign the current procedures by introducing improved levels of both efficiency and value.


The uniqueness, accessibility, and decentralised ways that the technology makes possible will provide more value to the ecosystem in which it thrives, and the technology is also capable of bringing in more confidence.


Access to the information that is held on the other nodes, which may be located in a variety of different places, is made possible due to this feature, which contributes to and aids in managing business continuity and disaster recovery.


Investors and noobs can be well versed in which statement is true about blockchain and cryptocurrency investment in India. With this, they can get an incredible chance to participate in the new wave of technological innovation that can improve economic development through blockchain and cryptocurrency technology.

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Rayaan Shah
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